What now?


Where do we go after we die?

What do we do after we’re done with this life?

What now after the tries and cries?

Is it nothing or is there an afterlife?


Will I be able to return to my mortal shell?

Or will I be ripped apart from my skin?

Heaven or Hell; where will I dwell?

Does afterlife mean that my time on Earth was a win?


Or is there no divine light?

Just an endless void of nothingness?

Where the loneliness will slowly start time bite,

As I go crazy with no one to witness.


Perhaps the life on Earth is all that is there,

After you die, you cease to exist.

No emotions, no more tear and wear,

Your time here is done; you’re dismissed.

Published by Shira Khiamti

I associate the taste of coffee with the feeling of being productive

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